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Fall Protection Pros 1

Exit Survey
Hello! Thanks for agreeing to participate in this survey based on your experience purchasing from Fall Protection Pros. The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete and will help us better serve your fall protection needs. Your responses will remain confidential.

How did you find Fall Protection Pros? (choose all that apply)
Online advertising
Recommended by a friend/colleague/boss
Web search for a specific product
From Amazon
Web search for general fall protection

Why did you decide to purchase from Fall Protection Pros? (choose up to 4)
Had the exact brand that I wanted
Ease of purchase process
Product information/pictures/manuals
Lowest price
Knowledgeable sales staff
Had the exact product that I wanted
Fast shipping

What did you especially like about purchasing from Fall Protection Pros?
What did you dislike? What improvements can Fall Protection Pros make?
If you needed fall protection equipment again in the future, how likely would you be to purchase from Fall Protection Pros?
Definitely would
Probably would
Might or might not
Probably would not
Definitely would not
What else, if anything, did you need to buy with the fall protection equipment that was not available from Fall Protection Pros?
If you've purchased fall protection equipment from other distributors in the past, please respond to this question. If not, please skip.

Which distributor did you purchase fall protection equipment from from most recently?
If you've purchased fall protection equipment from other distributors in the past, please respond to this question. If not, please skip.

Why did you purchase fall protection equipment from this distributor? (choose up to 4)
Product information/pictures/manuals
Had the exact brand that I wanted
Lowest price
Ease of purchase process
I could pay for my purchase using terms
Free/low cost shipping
Fast shipping
I could purchase other (non-fall protection) products at the same time as my fall-protection equipment
I had a contract with this distributor
Knowledgeable sales staff
Had the exact product that I wanted

How do you typically search for fall protection equipment online? (choose all that apply)
Mobile App on phone/tablet
Website on computer
Website on mobile phone
Website on tablet

What are the most important things to consider when deciding from where to purchase your fall protection equipment? (choose up to 4)
Has the exact brand that I want
Ability to purchase other (non-fall protection) products at the same time as my fall-protection equipment
Fast shipping
Having a contract with a distributor
Has the exact product that I want
Free/low cost shipping
Lowest price
Product information/pictures/manuals
Ease of purchase process
Being able to pay using terms
Knowledgeable sales staff

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