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Q8. From the list below, which do you consider to be risk factors for employees to engage in substance use? Please tick next to the boxes accordingly. You may tick more than one answer.
Peer pressure from management
Peer pressure from colleagues
Exposure to substances; alcohol/tobacco/drugs
Shift patterns/working hours
Lack of staff
Cash at hand due to tips
Stress at work
Pressure at work
Personal issues
Q9. From a scale of 1 to 5, which risk factors do you think are the most common? (1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest.)
1 2 3 4 5
Peer pressure from management
Peer pressure from colleagues
Exposure to substances; alcohol/tobacco/drugs
Shift patterns/ working hours
Lack of staff
Cash at hand due to tips
Stress at work
Pressure at work
Personal issues
Other - please specify below
Q10. In your previous positions, were you aware of colleagues who engaged in substance use?
Not Sure
Q11. In your managerial position, are you aware of employees engaging in substance use?
Not sure
Q12. If you answered yes to the previous question, please give an approximate figure for the number of people who you believe make use of drugs within your company.
Q13. If you are certain of any employees who engage in substance use, please specify the gender and age group of these employees.
Age Gender Job position
Employee 1
Employee 2
Employee 3
Employee 4
Employee 5
Q14. Are smokers allocated cigarettes breaks?
Q15. If yes, how much extra time is given?